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5 day school week essay

5 day school week essay

5 Day School Week,You May Also Find These Documents Helpful

WebNov 19,  · Where as the 5 day school week does sound longer but it has its advantages, with going to school for 5 days a week, you go to school later, and come WebMay 15,  · I think we should have 5 day school week, because the kids gets more time to learn and get the help that they may need with work they are struggling with. Kids with WebCompared to a 6 day week, you can say that a 5 day week keeps students fresher and more motivated to learn. Because they have two days off each week they do not get so WebThe five day week is prolonged and overworks children and teens. Extra days decrease motivation of not only students but staff or teachers as well. Lowered motivation creates WebEssay On Five Day School Week. Words4 Pages. The Culpeper school board is considering removing the five day school week, replacing it with a four day school ... read more

Having a school system run on a four-day rotation would increase their success by offering more opportunities for lesson and work time. I think there should be four day school weeks because students most likely want more free time out of school. Every student has missing work, longer school days help you get some of it all in and grades will be up. A little homework for each class would help out a lot. Teachers want to teach students and have them know all the knowledge that they teach and maybe use it in the later day lives and longer days with longer periods would let those teachers take their time teaching their subjects.

This also allows students to take their time in getting their toughest work done. The class periods would probably be over an hour long but longer school days is a must if you for sure have four day weeks. Faced with unstable fuel and energy prices and rising education costs, school districts across the nation are considering ways in which to reduce their money and increase use of limited resources. Leadership is one of the main things students need work on when having a four day school week. Also, professional development for teachers is a big thing for a four day school week. The lack of revenue causes schools to look at ways to reduce money such as a four day school week.

I think that having a four day school week is a bad idea. I also think that having a 4 day school week is a bad idea is because the American School system is failing. There are some students that count on these lunches for food and having a four day school week causes them to not to be able to eat as much. The lack of effort correlates to teachers because it could dispirit them from doing work they want to assign in class. Changing to a four day school week can give additional benefits to all parties involved including students, teachers, and the school settings.

If a four-day school week was implemented in American school districts, the performance plus achievement for students will increase along with a higher attendance. Losing all of this school time can limit education and negatively affect grades. This gets even worse if somebody plays multiple sports at the same time. Even if they you play them at different times you are still expected to work on that sport during the off season making time even harder to manage. Most people just overlook these challenges and argue that kids have nothing to do without any. They often forget about the many benefits that year-round schooling offers. There are plenty of reasons year-round schooling is better, it can solve overcrowding, the loss of information over summer break, better academic achievement during the school year, and many more.

The school system was designed over a years ago when parents needed their kids to work the fields in the summer. Traditional school schedules have kids in school from late summer until late spring, the year-round schedule has kids in school all year but the difference is there are longer breaks in the year-round schedule. To begin students under the current school schedule where there is one long break in the summer are more vulnerable to losing the information they have learned the past year. Summer break causes students to forget material that they have learned which causes problems because it wastes. Teachers have reported academic improvements, better attendance, and students that are less moody and less likely to fall asleep in class, and I know you care for each student in the district and want the best for each individual.

A simple change in the school schedule can decrease these risks and result in successful. At Georgia State University they conducted a study on a four-day school week versus a five-day school week. They compared fourth grade reading and fifth grade math. When they were done testing their findings showed improvements in math from the four-day week and reading stayed the same. Students are also involved in sports that require after school practices. School getting out later means that practices will run later too. This would leave students less time to complete homework, not to mention the students who live out of town and have a long drive to get. They need time to grade exams and finalize grades from the previous semester, and they only have a short break between school years Towler.

By the time they do this, they might have less than a week to prepare themselves, their lessons, and their rooms Towler. This is not an adequate amount of time for the teachers and it could impact students learning as well Towler. Teachers also might have a hard time collaborating with each other because many of them are on different tracks Towler. Students on different tracks might be learning completely different, or maybe even opposite lessons due to lack of collaboration between their teachers Towler. IPL Essay On Five Day School Week. Essay On Five Day School Week Words 4 Pages. The Culpeper school board is considering removing the five day school week, replacing it with a four day school week and adding 10 hours to the school day instead of the current amount of 8 hours in the belief it might be more beneficial than the system we have currently.

I believe a four day school week would be less beneficial than a five day school week because students will have less time at home and this will affect all Culpeper County School employees. However, year round school can be a major benefit to not only students, but also teachers and the school itself. A year round school calendar should be mandatory because it improves academic performance, teacher job satisfaction, and the financial state of the school. Year round school has been proven to improve students' attitudes towards school.

Many students prefer year-round school as opposed to the traditional school calendar Worthen. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Language and Plagiarism Checks. Essays Essays FlashCards. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Four Day School Week Essay. Four Day School Week Essay Improved Essays. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Related Documents Improved Essays. Four Day School Week Words 6 Pages. Four Day School Week. Improved Essays. Read More. Essay On Four Day School Week Words 5 Pages. Essay On Four Day School Week.

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Year Round School Research Paper. Should Year-Round School Be Mandatory? Related Topics. High school Education Teacher Working time School. Ready To Get Started?

On average a student goes to school at least nine hundred to a thousand hours a year. What if you can learn the same information in a less amount of time? Studies show that having a 4 day school week has its pros and cons. There are three hundred and sixty days in one full year, and out of those three hundred and sixty days students are required to go to school at least one hundred and eighty of them. The reasons schools should have a 4 day school week are because it improves the economy, improves attendance, improves behavior, also because the longer week does not affect grades.

A four day school week means another extra day off from school! A four day week week can benefit students in a variety of ways. Four day or five day school week is what almost everyone is debating. I stand on the five day school week side of this argument. This editorial is going to explain why I stand on the side of the five day school week, and the pros versus the cons of the five day school week. How would it sound if school weeks were only four days long and, in doing that, it saved your school money at the same time?

Well, for some rural schools across the nation, this has become a reality. Four day school weeks are becoming a necessity for some rural school districts that lack funding. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. Four day school weeks may not be a realistic situation for all schools throughout the nation, but for those that it is possible, the four day school week saves money, improves test scores, and further improves the school as a whole. Conceivably the most compelling evidence that schools should switch to a four day week is it can help advance the test scores and the cumulative GPAs of its students. When students are given a. Imagine a four day school weekend, does it sound nice? A four day week would have so much benefits for students and teachers.

It would give them time to get things they need done. There would be a major improvement of attendance, schools everywhere would have a low discipline referral frequency, and there would be a better teacher and student moral. The extra day at the end of the week would give the teachers and students an opportunity to catch up on any late work. I feel like if kids could have as many days to rest their mind as they are in the classroom, they would be more refreshed and motivated to do their school work. I feel like a more reasonable school week would be Tuesday through Friday.

That way kids will have 4 productive days at school,. In the United States, school funding has been significantly decreased, because of the limit of funding school districts are looking for solutions. One of the most talked about solutions is a four day school week. In Peetz Colorado a debate is going on four a four day school week. I believe that if we go to a four day school week that it would help the kids physically, mentally, and financially. This would help not only our school but also the parents if they cant afford the gas. These will be some pros of a four day school week. Imagine a school year that gave the students one week off after every quarter and every Friday off.

Does this sound exciting and rich with possibilities? Then ask the superintendent of the school district to consider year round school with only four days per week. First, students would not forget what they learned over the long summer. Next, parents would not have to get day care except on Fridays instead of the whole summer. Finally, teachers and students would have better relationships as they spend more time together instead of being rushed. Can you imagine getting up on a Friday morning and not having to get up and go to school. This is becoming more than just a really good dream in some places across the country. This is happening as close as Hot Springs School District in Hot Springs, South Dakota. Many school officials around the country are switching to the system because they believe it is better financially and better for the kids.

A four day school week will be better for the children and financially because it saves the school money, student and teacher morale are better, and better test scores. I think the four day week will help out a lot. Most of all they will be fewer days you have to come to school. Most of all the students favor this idea of the four day week and a three day weekend. The kids get less burned out because of the four days instead of the five days and only have two days to sit back and chill and rest. Get their minds of fof school for three days and get out and do stuff with their lives. Changing a five day week to a five day week to a four day week For schools.

There are approximately children enrolled in California Elementary School under the age of eight. Additionally student involvement and safety would suffer. Four Day School Act is beneficial for students attending middle school through twelfth grade along with school faculty. This program is important for students who lose focus and began being disengaged in classes towards the weekend giving them enough time to recuperate an extra day. The other option is to cut Monday as well since it is the beginning of the week where students to also be less engaged. The possible outcome effect is less absences, higher test scores, and less yelling from teachers to stay on task. While students are out on Thursday, that leaves Friday for school faculty to prepare for the following week.

Teachers can accomplish various things even schedule meetings on a Monday or a Friday. Essay Topics Writing. Home Page Research Benefits Of A 5 Day School Week. Benefits Of A 5 Day School Week Decent Essays. Open Document. Should schools go to 4 day school weeks instead of 5 days? Should schools go to a 4 day school week instead of 5 days? The reason why school districts are going to a 4 day school week is to save money and the states that you see switching to a 4 days are states that have economic problems such as Oklahoma.

The only question is does it hurt students education but the statistics are showing that is clearly not the case one bit. Studies show that the amount of discipline referrals issued go down. In addition to being more rested from the extra day off. Students that are more focused and rested learn better. So it increases the value of class time where a 5 day school week by Friday students can be unfocused and not rested. Get Access. Good Essays. Pros And Cons Of Four Day School Week Words 7 Pages. Pros And Cons Of Four Day School Week. Read More. Decent Essays. Four Day School Week Words 3 Pages. Four Day School Week. Satisfactory Essays. Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week Words 1 Pages. Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week. Persuasive Essay On Four Day School Week Words 5 Pages.

Persuasive Essay On Four Day School Week. Explain Why Schools Shouldn T Be 5 Days A Week Words 2 Pages. Explain Why Schools Shouldn T Be 5 Days A Week. What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Four Day School Week Words 2 Pages. What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Four Day School Week. Persuasive Essay About Year Round School Words 4 Pages. Persuasive Essay About Year Round School. Four Day School Week Research Paper Words 3 Pages. Four Day School Week Research Paper. Changing a Five Day School Week to a Four Day School Week Words 5 Pages. Changing a Five Day School Week to a Four Day School Week. Moniteau County R-1 School Case Study Words 2 Pages. Moniteau County R-1 School Case Study. Four Day School Act Analysis Words 2 Pages. Four Day School Act Analysis. Related Topics.

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Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week,Pros And Cons Of Four Day School Week

WebCompared to a 6 day week, you can say that a 5 day week keeps students fresher and more motivated to learn. Because they have two days off each week they do not get so WebMar 22,  · Pros And Cons Of Five Day School Week Throughout history the arts have played an important role in society. From theatre, to music, to visual arts there are WebMay 15,  · I think we should have 5 day school week, because the kids gets more time to learn and get the help that they may need with work they are struggling with. Kids with WebMost students do not want to miss school because of the make up work they would have to do from a longer school day. Some students enjoy learning and a longer school day WebThe five day week is prolonged and overworks children and teens. Extra days decrease motivation of not only students but staff or teachers as well. Lowered motivation creates WebA four-day week may provide just that. Students have more time on school days, giving them the opportunity to learn more each and every hour they spend in their classrooms. ... read more

Through this program the children have a chance to improve their prospects by creating better opportunities. Year round schools make it difficult to learn with many breaks that they are given which can affect them negatively in and out of school. Students participating in school year round showed positive accomplishments Opheim. It provides a realistic way for schools to remain open and also has added benefits beyond saving money. The more they consider the new four-day week, the more they wish for a change. One compelling reason is, that students will get better scores on tests.

Four Day School Act Analysis. Implementing this routine would allow teachers more time to teach and give students the option to do their homework during class, in turn creating student success. Some people argue that the arts 5 day school week essay not deserve public funding and public funding should go towards other things that are more important to them such as STEM programs and sports. This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. In the United States, school funding has been significantly decreased, because of the limit of funding school districts are looking for solutions. Conceivably the most compelling evidence that schools should switch to a four day week is it can help advance the test scores and the cumulative GPAs of its students, 5 day school week essay.

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